goros DELTAone International Plain Spoon 36401a 1
goros DELTAone International Plain Spoon 36401a 2
goros DELTAone International Plain Spoon 36401a 3

goro's | 素銀鷹匙 / 舊款 / 稀有品

Regular price
$19,200.00 HKD

goro’s Spoon Pendant has been produced since the 1980s.
Among native americans, silver spoons are said to be a symbol of their food culture. It is said that if a silver spoon is given to a newborn child, the child will have enough food for the rest of his life.
It is also said that in the Lakota tribe to which Goro Takahashi belongs, the Medicine Man used the spoon as a vessel when searing medicinal herbs.
goro’s Spoon Pendant is the popular motif that has a special meaning among goro’s items.

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