goros DELTAone International goros Feather with Silver Claw Right XL 56221a 1
goros DELTAone International goros Feather with Silver Claw Right XL 56221a 2
goros DELTAone International goros Feather with Silver Claw Right XL 56221a 3

goro's | 銀爪點金羽毛(XL)(右向) / 舊款 / 點金較小

Regular price
$27,500.00 HKD

goro's Feather (XL) Pendant is the most famous and popular pendant of goro’s. It is worn by many celebrities around the world, such as Eric Clapton, Ed Sheeran, Steve Aoki, and BTS.
Although goro's feather pendant has been produced for many years, the history of Feather (XL) began in the early 1990’s where Plain Feather (XL), Gold Top Feather (XL), Silver Top Feather (XL), and Gold Tip Feather (XL) were introduced.

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