goros Small Feathers Starters Setup 1 1
goros Small Feathers Starters Setup 1 2
goros Small Feathers Starters Setup 1 3
goros Small Feathers Starters Setup 1 4

goro's Setup | Small Feathers Starters Setup



Besides being used as accessories or embellishments, smaller sized feathers could also be used as the main pendant for a Setup. The combination of fine feathers effectively raise the level of sophistication of the Setup, providing it with great layering that could capture people’s attention easily even looking from afar. Moreover, assembling a Setup with multiple feathers gives you more room for personalisation. If you are keen on putting together a unique Setup, this assembling method could be a great idea to start with.

[Item List]

- Heart Wheel Feather (L) - 56
- Silver Feather (Left) (L) - 68
- Silver Feather (Right) (L) - 67
- Silver Beads (M) * 4 - 337
- Antique Red Beads *8 - 616